Choosing the Right Dog
So you have decided you would like a dog, in this article we explore the most important aspects to consider before making that all important decision to welcoming a new dog into your home.
Choosing the Right Dog – Breed
‘What breed should I get?’ This is understandably the first question people ask themselves, often delving straight onto google images to look for the cutest dog and having their heart set on a particular breed before taking the time to properly research. The first tip is to take your time, a dog really is for life and getting this decision wrong could end up in more of a headache than you anticipated.
Choosing the Right Dog – Temperament
The biggest issue I see when choosing the right dog is the underestimation of the importance of training and how time consuming it can be. Are you prepared after a hard day’s work to put the effort in reinforcing all those good behaviours time and time again? Again, this is where certain breeds can be far easier than others. Some breeds are laid back enough that they are easy to manage and require little training, however those higher energy dogs will need lots of training and mental stimulation, otherwise you may find they turn their attention to leaving a path of destruction everywhere you go and you may soon end up regretting your decision.
Choosing the Right Dog – Accommodating a Dog
If you work long hours as most of us do and are out of the house during the day, have you considered whether you have the free time to really look after a dog. Of course, services like ours at Knowle Dog Walker can provide the dog walking service to meet that need, perhaps also consider whether the breed you choose can be left for long periods of time. Would a pug that loves to sleep all day be more suitable or an active Border Collie who needs lots of attention and exercise. Take the time to consider just how full on looking after a dog can be and whether you can provide for all of their needs.
Choosing the Right Dog – Prices
Since lockdown the price of puppies have skyrocketed, more and more of us have taken to owning a pet. Popular breeds such as Cocker Spaniels and Cockapoos used to fetch approximately £800 each, now it is not uncommon to see these breeds command a fee of between £2000 – £3000. With this in mind it is important to consider the cost of owning a dog. Purchase price, insurance, vet bills, food, treats, toys and grooming are just some of the many expenses dog owners should expect which is why it is vital to really consider if getting a dog is the suitable thing to do.
If you are on a budget then now more than ever it may be a good idea to adopt. Local to our Solihull area is the fabulous Birmingham Dogs Home. With adoption costing between £150 – £200, not only could this be a big money saver, what better than giving a dog in need a second chance in life.
Hopefully some of these considerations will help you when choosing the right dog.